Park View Water & Sanitary District
12-A Grove Road
Eldridge, IA 52748
M-F 7am-3pm
Pay your bill here:
A message from the operations manager:
Every couple of months I get an inquiry regarding a flyer for water and/or sewer line insurance.
Recently I received one myself and, after reviewing it and looking into the details, I decided to go ahead
and sign up for it. Let me explain what I found and why I decided to sign up.
The flyer I received noted that I would have the following coverage:
Water line – Up to $12,500 for water service line repairs; Up to $12,500 for street and sidewalk repairs
Sewer line – Up to $10,000 per occurrence for sewer service line repairs; Up to $10,000 per occurrence
for street and sidewalk repairs. The dual coverages apply independently of each other, allowing a total
of up to $45,000 coverage combined.
The options for coverage/monthly costs were: Water line protection only - $5.49; Sewer line protection
only - $9.00; Both Water & Sewer line protection - $6.24.
My house is ~45 years old. I moved in 15 years ago and checked the sewer (cast iron) and water (copper)
lines right away. Because of their material & age, I didn’t purchase any insurance for them at that time.
Since then, I’ve planted a tree in my front yard and, being 15 years further in age for the materials used,
I thought it might be worth investigating further. So I downloaded a copy of the Terms & Conditions to
read the fine print.
On their website I had to confirm a couple items and then a page of 25 various types of insurance
coverage options, including whole house, interior, exterior, plumbing, electric, appliances, service lines,
etc. were available to review.
I chose the combo water/sewer line and unlimited combo water/sewer line Terms & Conditions options.
I’ve provided those for your review as well, highlighting some areas of interest. For example, the
definition of a service line might be of interest, as their limited coverage does not include the water
main tap. In Davenport, Iowa American Water owns to the curb stop. In Park View, the property owner
owns the whole service line, including the tap. I’ve seen a few service taps go bad in Park View, usually
at the connection to the plastic, though most of the leaks have been at the curbstop/plastic
On the sewer side, most issues people have are cracks in the sewer allowing tree roots in. I have seen
one sewer tap go bad. With AWR, they do not cover sewer taps.
After reviewing all this, and seeing that I can get a combined coverage for <$75/year, I decided it was a
cheap insurance and went ahead and signed up.
Keep in mind, AWR is not the only provider of water/sewer line insurance. Some home insurance
policies might provide it with their coverage. Depending on your service line materials/age, it might be
worth your time to investigate further.
I hope this was helpful. Take care.
AWR Flyer-Front
AWR Flyer-back

AWR Terms and Conditions
*To be reflected in the August bill*
Water: Base $22.11
$4.76/1,000 gallons through 2,000 gallons
$4.24/1,000 gallons above 2,000 gallons
Sewer: Base $30.11
$5.42 /1,000 gallons
Water: Base $22.11
$6.22/1,000 gallons
Sewer: Base $30.11
$9.46/1,000 gallons
Taxes not included.
Residential Sewer Only: $56.69
District employees will read the water meters toward the end of each month.
Each customer will receive a utility bill around the 1st of every month.
Utility bills will be due on the 16th of each month.
Late notices will be sent out the first business day after the 16th of each month.
Accounts that are issued a monthly utility bill without payment of the previous monthly utility bill will receive a Disconnect Notice and will incur a $25 posting fee.
Accounts issued a Disconnect Notice that do not pay prior to the disconnection date stated on the notice will be disconnected and will incur a $50 Disconnect Fee.
All accounts balances, including fees, must be brought up to date upon payment of the monthly account balance.
Methods of payment:
Online: you can view and pay your bill at
Once you create an account in FrontDesk you can set up a payment type, sign up for autopay (optional), view your bill, and select your notification preferences. You will need to confirm your mobile phone number to receive text alerts
Credit card: call, mail or drop off your payment stub with all credit card information available. We cannot process your credit card payment with incomplete information. We do not keep your card information on file in the office! If you want your credit card information securely saved you will need to create an online account at
Drop Box: you can place a check, money-order, or your payment stub with credit card information in the slot of the drop box on our front door. DO NOT LEAVE CASH.
Office Counter: you are welcome to come in to our office and pay with cash, however we cannot make change.
To ensure continued services, please make sure your payment is made on time. Please see above payment methods to schedule your payment accordingly as the due date does not change even when the due date falls on a weekend or holiday. If we are not in the office this DOES NOT constitute a reason for not making your payment.
*To be reflected in the August 2023 bill*
Water: Base $21.68
$4.67/1,000 gallons through 2,000 gallons
$4.16/1,000 gallons above 2,000 gallons
Sewer: Base $29.04
$5.23 /1,000 gallons
Park View Water & Sanitary District has an online billpay option. If you are interested you can sign up by visiting our website: and click on the FrontDesk button. Once you create an account in FrontDesk you can set up a payment type, sign up for autopay (optional), view your bill, select your notification preferences.
Note for new and existing users:
You will need to confirm your mobile phone number to receive text alerts
Once you sign up for FrontDesk, you will not receive a paper bill unless you select the paper bill option.
If you don’t feel comfortable setting up your own account but would like to sign up for autopay, reach out to the office at 563-285-7397, to request an autopay form. You can also download the autopay form here.